OP Diepio conception Wiki

The TOTVM Tank Mark II is an upgrade of The TOTVM Tank of Terror.


It has 16 large turrets with 1 x 10^999 googleplexianth reload and fires extremely powerful and large bullets (that do 1 x 10^999 googleplexianth damage and have 1 x 10^999 googleplexianth damage and have 1 x 10^999 googleplexianth penetration) covering most of the other turrets that are otherwise visible. It is THE most powerful tank ever. Not even the Arena Closers can stop it.

It is almost as powerful as the Omnipotank.

Arena Closing Job[]

Since it is so powerful, it is an arena-closing tank. If you are #1 in the leaderboard when the arena closes, you become this tank.

There is a special gamemode where everyone is this tank (although there is a death function enabled, and stats are nerfed a bit) and are trying to defeat the Illuminati Embodiment Tank, the only thing more powerful than the killable version of the TOTVM Tank Mark II.


It is immune to the paradox abilities of the OPerator.

It also cannot be infected by Hijackers or any kind.

It can force hitboxless tanks like Hijackers to have a hitbox. After all, TOTVM Tank Mark II usually has an arena closing job.

As an arena-closing tank, there is NO DEATH FUNCTION. It cannot be killed.



This shall destroy everything.
